Security Consultancy


Oil and gas is a major industry supporting the global economy as oil and gas still remain the primary sources of energy for industrialized and developing economies of the world. Unsurprisingly, the oil and gas industry is one of the most attractive targets for growing global terrorism and maritime piracy. While the threat of terrorism and sabotage attacks are across the supply chain of the oil and gas industry – from oil wells, transportation to refineries, the threat of piracy primarily concerns the oil tanker industry

Attacks similar to the maritime piracy of the Somali pirates might affect a single oil tanker and result in increased costs for oil transportation, which in turn might result in higher end prices for consumers. Any major terrorist attack or act of sabotage on production facilities like oil rigs, offshore platforms and refineries will result in loss or complete stoppage of production, which might take months to restart. The entire supply chain from oil wells and offshore platforms to pipelines, tankers and refineries can be affected by the following security threats:

Benefits of Services

Any these threat can cause severe economic and ecological damage that might affect the international oil & gas markets. We are security experts and can help you to make better security arrangement to avoid and minimize any kind of security threats in the industry.

Company Details

TRE Energy

Sevices Provide

Oil & Gas Consultancy


Building 108 – Musaffah – M-17 – Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates

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